As we move back to Oz good friends of ours are moving to Charlotte, USA. So what have we been doing over the last few days, packing up someone else's house to move - pretty ironc and very sad - but at least we got to spend a week with them, hanging out and sharing eachothers storys - we will miss our messy friends.
We also caught up with my Dad last night, which after moving furniture all day was the last thing we wanted to do, but we had a great time. What surprised me was, his and his 'significant others' willingness to enter the mess of what has happened (without judgement) and also, how much we enjoyed telling the great things that happened while we were away. They are not bloggers so they didn't keep up except for the occasional letter from me - very occasional. Just to watch the video of our visit to my childhood home and the funny things that happened was great to hear, even if they were coming from our mouths. Sometimes you just have to listen to yourself to hear good things that you need to hear.
I think we tend to live in two camps, those who deny life and those who drown in it.
Those who Deniy life won't go near any pain past or present for fear of being comsumed by it (denial of Good Friday). And those who Drown in it are so overwhelemd by the pain of life that they never actually risk living at all, there by denying Easter Sunday. So what does it mean to live in Saturday, having a hand on both but not being burn't by either?
Today Matt and I started a new tradition in our home - well it's not new if you know my Relatives - Brian and Rose Pleace. We started the overwhelming Saturday Fry up, you know an English breakfast at noon - bacon, eggs, muffins, tommatoes, sausages, plus a touch from the USA pancakes with maple syrup (on the same plate). Why are we doing this, well its good food for a start but mainly it's a great way to enjoy eachother as we make, serve and eat together. But also a commitment to walk the road on a Saturday and celebrate the pain of life and cry out for the joy of heaven - which we can taste but not bask in yet - no matter what theology we believe. Cya.
*i like this part of the post.I think a lot of people would be surprised how easy it is to start including fine-motor activities in playtime.
Posted by: cheap jordans | Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 11:38 AM